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The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground

Dorothy McCoy's novel  is about a secret group of guardians tasked with protecting the globe. The squad consists of two mortal team members and historical personalities who have been brought back from the dead. Sir Winston Churchill, Dr. Albert Einstein, David Smythe, Dr. Raven "Bones" Wyndot, retired MI5 Agent, Angus Snowden, and Sophie the ghost Great Dane make up the team. The heroes in this book are tasked with stopping infamous German Nazi Dr. Mengele from cloning Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler, three notorious and terrifying Nazis. They have to deal with the demon Abigor, who wants Dr. Mengele to succeed in addition to Dr. Mengele and Neo-Nazis. The story that follows will take readers on a roller coaster ride that will keep them on the edge of their seats.

I liked how historical details were interwoven throughout the plot. I learned when Sir Winston Churchill was Prime Minister and First Lord of the Admiralty. I also learned about fascinating historical events such as the Dunkirk evacuation during World War II. The evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force and other Allied forces from the French port of Dunkirk to England was known as the Dunkirk evacuation. It helped me identify with the characters and the historical events they influenced, which made the novel more engaging and unforgettable.

The parts of the book depicting Dr. Mengele were my favorites. Being able to read the thoughts of a psychopath was both fascinating and terrifying. It was fascinating to watch him rationalize his crimes and reveal his lack of empathy. In my opinion, the introduction of the destructive power in the shape of the demon Abigor was brilliant. For the majority of the novel, the characters were on the back foot due to the mayhem he created throughout the book. As I watched them deal with the chaos he had created, I was completely immersed in the story. I particularly enjoyed how well-coordinated the characters were in their fight against evil. They knew exactly what they needed to do, but it didn't stop them from protecting each other.

There wasn't a single thing about the story that I didn't enjoy. The motivations of the characters were clear. The intention of Dr. Mengele to resurrect Nazi ideology was outlined in detail and made sense. Throughout the novel, the suspense was maintained, and I was frequently astonished by certain disclosures. I enjoyed how the story ended since it piqued my interest in reading the following installment in the series.

I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars because this was a novel that used historical figures in an unusual way. I really liked the novel, and I thought the foreshadowing for the next book in the series was done nicely. I considered this book to be really well-edited since there were no typos or errors to be detected. This is a book I would recommend to lovers of mystery, action, and history.

by Cher432 » 17 Mar 2022, 08:01

Reviewed By: K.C. Finn

Review Rating: 5 Stars Congratulations on your 5-star review! Get your free 5-star seal!

Reviewed By K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite
The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground is a work of fiction in the paranormal, action, and adventure subgenres. It is suitable for the general reading audience and was penned by author Dorothy McCoy. The book follows a conspiracy by Nazi scientist Josef Mengele to clone three members of the former Nazi high command. The fates, however, have conspired to bring back Churchill, Einstein, and a former MI5 agent to stand against the threat posed by the Neo-Nazi plot that could re-ignite the war that tore apart Europe. Called upon once again to stand against the Nazi menace, it’s up to Winston Churchill to find and stop Mengele once and for all.

Winston Churchill is perhaps the most famous British leader in the history of the country, a larger-than-life character who threw the playbook out of the window when fighting a war against the odds. The spirit of Churchill lives on in this entertaining and exciting thriller by author Dorothy McCoy, who has clearly done a great deal of homework in researching and understanding Churchill’s infamous personality and has translated him lovingly to the world of the novel. I was particularly surprised by the imaginative team that Churchill was a part of, one that managed to establish a dynamic and entertaining working relationship that served the story well throughout. The threat posed by Mengele and his Neo-Nazi co-conspirators was the perfect level of sinister for the story, and the narrative constantly found exciting new twists to add and obstacles for the protagonists to overcome. Overall, The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground is an inventive and entertaining read that casts one of history’s most notable figures in an exciting new light.

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground by Dorothy McCoy is a paranormal historical tale. Sir Winston Churchill died in 1965, having seen the United Kingdom safe from Adolf Hitler and becoming Prime Minister of the UK in 1951. That should have been the end but Churchill was not going to rest in peace. Brought back with others, including an MI5 agent, a dog, and Dr. Einstein, Churchill must face the Nazis once more. Dr. Mengele, one of the evilest doctors in the world, has plans to clone Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels, three of the worst Nazis, and terrorize the world once more. Can this evil be stopped in its tracks once more or will the Nazis finally rule the world, just like they always wanted to? Only one person can do it - Sir Winston Churchill and his band of helpers in one final act to save the world.

The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground by Dorothy McCoy is one of the most original stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. The historical accuracy of the story shows Ms. McCoy did thorough research and has turned it into a story that not only entertains but teaches too. The story is packed with chaotic action that grabs your attention and keeps you engaged all the way through. The characters were excellent, all very well developed, and either good or evil - there's no in-between here. Each character had their own part to play, while perfectly integrating with all the other characters, creating a "dream team" of defenders. Ms. McCoy delved deeply into psychopathic minds, bringing new meaning to good vs. evil, and creating a suspenseful, unique story that won't fail to delight.

Reviewed by Phillip Zozzaro 

The philosopher Edmund Burke wrote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This quote is apt for the heroes in The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground by Dorothy McCoy. A conspiracy has been planned by nefarious men, the Nazi hierarchy. This cabal will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They may have met their match in the guardians. The guardians are composed of Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, David, a former MI5 agent, Angus, a retired MI5 agent, and an imposing Great Dane named Sophie. The group is rounded out by Dr. Raven Wyndot. Wyndot and Angus are the only current living members of the team, yet the mission is enough to enliven even the most ancient of departed souls. Their chief nemesis is Dr. Josef Mengele. However, there are other parties involved who may just make the guardians' mission all the more complicated.

The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground by Dorothy McCoy combines science fiction and mystery into a thrilling book. Dr. Wyndot is the nucleus of the team as she has formed a bond with every member. Wyndot is brave to the point of foolhardiness in halting the plans of Mengele and his group and has the most to lose. Their opposition has evil at its core, their intent only to wreak havoc on an unimaginable scale. The danger inherent in the mission of the guardians is best summed up by Winston Churchill: “We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.” The plotting of the story moves at a fairly clipped pace, the dialogue is smart and inspired. The book is enjoyable from the start to its conclusion.

Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz

Review Rating: 5 Stars

Sir Winston Churchill saved the Western World from the psychopathic Adolph Hitler. Later Sir Winston returned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1951. He died in 1965; having done his part for world peace. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant. Not so; mysterious entities from Beyond brought him, Dr. Albert Einstein, David Smythe, a handsome MI5 agent, and a Harlequin Great Dane, back one more time. The Nazi menace resurfaced in the person of the evil and demonical Dr. Josef Mengele and his group of sinister scientists. The Angel of Death plans to clone three of the most dangerous Nazis from WWII: Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler. Mengele has a plan: the viable cells for cloning, and scientists in biotechnology, genetics, and life extension at his disposal. His Neo-Nazi resources are unlimited.

Who can stop the impending devastation that steamrolls toward humanity just as surely as the Nazi tanks in 1940 demolished everything in their paths? Who can stop them? Only one man, the man who defeated Hitler by the sheer strength of his character, eloquence, and inspirational leadership—Sir Winston Churchill

Review By Aethena Drake
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Review Rating: 5 Stars

Dr. Raven Wyndot, referred to as Bones by her companions, is a psychotherapist who finds herself hunting World War II era war criminals alongside some very famous historical figures. These historical figures are secret guardians who protect the world from evil that once inspired a world war and horrific experimentation on humanity. The setting is the modern world, with the base of operations for the guardians inside the Savoy, their luxury headquarters. Each new lead the guardians uncover in their mission to hunt down evil, gives the reader a chance to venture into some interesting and nicely illustrated parts of London, which range from dark sewers to the National Maritime Museum.

Bones’ narrative hit a personal note with me. She is the lone female mortal on a team of male professionals from esteemed positions in society. I am all too aware of the difficulties that come with being the only female in a room full of well-educated working professionals with advanced degrees or expertise in their field. This can be a rather intimidating experience, but Bones handles herself well. She is accommodating to the sometimes archaic views of the men in her group without letting them dictate her role as a member of the team. The author, Dorothy McCoy, does a wonderful job of illustrating the challenges of being the female minority in a group dominated by men who are used to being the voice of authority in their professions.

This story demanded a bit more focus from me than most fictional reads usually do. Although much of the story is told from Bones’ perspective, the character perspective changes in certain chapters so that the reader can gain insight into the intent of different characters, including the antagonist’s agenda. I liked the experience of seeing inside the thought processes of the guardians and some of the antagonists. I also liked the experience of determining which character the chapter was focused on based on the way the narrative flowed, but it did require a bit of analytical thought.

This book is a fascinating blend of analytical, supernatural, and historical fiction with an interesting twist on the battle between good and evil. If you are looking for an intricate narrative packed with a multitude of adventures and engaging characters, this is a wonderful read that will leave you asking for more.

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