About the Author

Dorothy McCoy Greetings, Dear Readers!

I have written several books and I can write about law enforcement because I worked as a South Carolina State Constable, taught at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy, and worked briefly in a Cold Case Squad. Fascinating!

Sophie I have been a licensed counselor for almost 20 years; I have spoken at numerous international conferences on psychopaths and narcissists, and written books related to counseling. The material for this series, The Mysterious Secret Guardians, was pulled from my hard-earned knowledge and experience. I enjoy research, a skill I leaned on heavily in crafting my books. The history is accurate, the locations and science described are accurate. Before embarking on this project, I read every book I could find on Churchill, as well as many of the 72 books he wrote. I am a lover of mystery and paranormal stories and this was my chance to write both and what fun it was! I can't stop writing the series because my characters would die! So, more to come!

Sophie helps me with the big words.

I love gardening, hiking, the beach, and stimulating conversation! I would love to hear from you please reach out to me or Sophie. We answer! Hugs, Bones

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Interview With Author Dr. Dorothy McCoy

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Hello, I am a psychotherapist, conference speaker Psychopathy), and author. I live in a village in South Carolina with my Great Dane Winston and my ghost Great Dane Big Soph. My first few books were self help, a couple of years ago I decided to embrace the freedom inherent in fiction. My hero Winston Churchill is a character in my 3 book series. The first volume launched in January, #2 will be our in September. I have written 9 books. I worked at a police academy and a cold case squad.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground. Sir Winston Churchill inspired me as he has inspired millions of other admirers. I wanted to introduce him to a new generation and have some fun along the way.

Do you have any unusual writing habits? I write with my Great Dane and a robust, steaming cuppa. I allow my fully developed characters do all the heavy lifting. They have adventures and I write. Works for us!

What authors, or books have influenced you? Dean Koontz, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Charles Dickens, and Winston Churchill

What are you working on now? I just completed a 3 book series for Speaking Volumes. I will soon begin the 4th volume. My day job is Psychotherapist so I stay occupied.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? I am new at promoting, but the usuals are Amazon and social media.

Do you have any advice for new authors? Yes, I certainly do. Create fascinating characters and just follow along behind them. Use exotic locations that pull the reader into your story.

What is the best advice you have ever heard? Fully develop your characters. If readers love your Team you are half way to success.

What are you reading now? A course on traumatic brain injury and PTSD.

What’s next for you as a writer? The 4th volume of the series

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? The Face and Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz Any Agatha Christie book David Copperfield, Dickens Without Conscience, Dr. Robert Hare